How to Choose the Right Indoor Humidity for Your House
In your home, cooler air is supposed to produce dry air. Because Virginia humidity levels are typically lower in the fall and winter, the atmosphere could irritate the eyes, throat, and skin.
To get the most comfort out of your heater, you must keep the humidity level in your home low. It's important to talk about the ideal indoor humidity for Virginia and how to get there.
You should check the humidity level in your house, suggests the HVAC Installation and Repair Guide. During this consultation, our Experts will evaluate the air humidity levels and examine your current heating and cooling systems before making recommendations.
Using a whole-home humidifier is one of these choices. This gadget works in conjunction with your furnace to maintain a steady humidity level in your home. It is an improvement over portable humidifiers, which can only humidify one room at once. Additionally, these humidifiers could leak water when you move them from one room to another, creating a mess.
Four indications that the indoor humidity in your house is off
Unacceptable humidity levels in your home might cause a variety of issues. Here are a few indicators that the humidity level in your home is too low.
- You don't sleep enough. According to the National Sleep Foundation, breathing in a lot of dry air may dry out your nasal passages, increasing your risk of becoming ill. Additionally, when you're sick, it's conceivable that you won't get much sleep. Besides, the dry air can sting your throat, making it harder for you to sleep. It might make snoring worse.
- You often find yourself amazed. Static electricity's effects are exacerbated by dry air. By controlling the humidity in your home, you may prevent zaps.
- Your wooden furniture, flooring, and cabinets show signs of wear or splintering. Too much dry air can harm wooden objects by removing moisture. A whole-home humidifier will keep your possessions and house in great shape.
- Your skin seems inflamed and dry. The humidity levels may be to blame if you have to use a lot of moisturizers, but your skin is still scratchy indoors. Your lips could break due to insufficient humidity, and your cough might worsen.
How to Deal with Dry Air Issues at Home
As we indicated earlier, get your free home comfort assessment right away.
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