How to Kill Viruses by Installing UV Lights in Your HVAC System

How to Kill Viruses by Installing UV Lights in Your HVAC System

UVA, UVB, and UVC are the three forms of ultraviolet (UV) light that the sun emits. The UVA and UVB rays are probably the ones you are most familiar with; if you don't use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, they can lead to sunburn. UVC rays stand out. Although the sun continues to emit them, the ozone layer protects the planet from all UVC rays, so you are not exposed to them in the natural world.

UVC light has excellent germicidal properties. In actuality, it has long been employed as a purifying technique. UVC light, which has the maximum energy of the UV radiation spectrum, aids in the quick 10-second death of bacteria, algae, and fungi. Germicidal UV lamps installed in your HVAC system may significantly enhance the quality of the air inside your home.

How Do UV Lights For HVAC Work?

Your ductwork contains ultraviolet lamps that are installed there and run continuously. Strong UVC rays inactivate and kill the majority of viruses, germs, and mold floating in the air as air passes through the lights during furnace or air conditioner operation. Microorganisms that have been rendered inactive are unable to multiply and pass away quickly.

5 Benefits of UV Lights in HVAC Systems

Why would you consider installing a UV lamp in your HVAC system when there are other air purification methods in use? Think about these benefits:

1. Cleaner Coils

Your HVAC system's evaporator coil is frequently damp, especially in the summer. Mold and germs won't be able to grow on the coil if UVC light is constantly shone on it.

2. More Fresh Air Indoors

Microorganisms and viruses can be captured using media air filters. Without affecting airflow, UV lights reduce the number of microorganisms in the air.

3. Increased Effectiveness

Improve the performance of your HVAC system by ensuring adequate airflow and keeping the equipment clean. Your energy expenses will consequently go down each month as a result.

4. Increasing HVAC Lifespan

Clean machinery operates more efficiently and experiences fewer breakdowns. Even years longer can pass before it.

5. Reducing Clogs in Condensate Drain Lines

Condensate is produced by air conditioners and high-efficiency furnaces and is piped away. Algae can clog the drain line over time. UVC lights reduce the probability of water damage from a blocked condensate drain pan by stopping organic development at its onset.

To Whom Should Germicidal UV Lights Be Used?

When you consider all the benefits UV lights may provide for your HVAC system, it is evident that they could be useful in any home. You or anyone in your home is most likely to benefit from adding HVAC UV lights if:

  • Allergies Asthma
  • Any respiratory illness
  • weakened immunity
Speak with HVAC Installation and Repair Guide Experts if you're considering purchasing germicidal UV lights. Based on your HVAC system and your requirements for indoor air quality, we can suggest the appropriate system. Since UVC exposure can cause damage to the skin or eyes, it's crucial to leave UV light installation and maintenance to a qualified professional.

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