The Benefits of Replacing Your Air Conditioner

The Benefits of Replacing Your Air Conditioner When Reducing Energy Costs

Central air conditioning is a necessity in many parts of North America during the hot summer months to ensure indoor comfort. Unfortunately, your monthly electricity bills may show that air conditioning is the most expensive.

Installing a new, high-efficiency air conditioner could be the answer to lowering your recurring costs. This used to involve a sizable up-front investment. Currently, there are new options available that make it easier than ever to install a modern, high-efficiency air conditioner in your home.

In a moment, we'll provide you with further details regarding this option. However, it is true that a new, high-efficiency air conditioner can result in significant lifetime energy savings. Here are some things to consider when you look into Virginia air conditioning replacement.

Why it's Good to Have a Higher SEER Rating

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ranking system assigns each air conditioner a score based on how effectively it utilizes electricity to cool the room. An air conditioner with a higher SEER rating is more energy-efficient.

In Canada and the northern United States, new air conditioning installations must be 13 SEER or higher as of 2015. Your new air conditioner must have at least 14 SEER if you live in the South.

The most expensive air conditioners currently on the market have a SEER rating of roughly 25, compared to the lowest standard in the 1990s of 10 SEER. According to the Lennox Energy Calculator, upgrading your 10 SEER system to a mid-range 16 SEER air conditioner might result in a 38% annual saving on cooling expenses.

Why It's Important to Measure the Size of Your Air Conditioner

If you want to reduce your monthly power expenses, carefully sizing your air conditioner is also essential.

Tons are used to measure air conditioners. Size is important since an air conditioner that is too big or too small won't be able to keep your home comfortable.

A large air conditioner will frequently short cycle, which will make it difficult for it to effectively remove humidity. On hot days, a too-small one would fall behind in terms of demand. Both problems will increase the humidity in your home, put more strain on your air conditioner, and maybe raise your electric bill.

When you work with HVAC Installation and Repair Guide Experts, our experts will assist you in determining the appropriate size of air conditioner for your residence. A properly sized air conditioner can save you money on your monthly utility bills in addition to enhancing home comfort.

Additional Ways to Increase Your Home's Efficiency

Enhancing the attic insulation of your home is the ultimate technique to confirm your monthly savings when you get a new air conditioner. According to Boston University research, only 10% of American homes have adequate attic insulation. No matter what the outside weather, having the right amount of insulation may keep your heating and cooling costs down and keep your home more comfortable.

Before we determine the appropriate AC size for your home, we also advise sealing any air leaks. A less leaky, better-insulated home might only need a smaller air conditioner, saving you money now and perhaps even bringing down your long-term electricity costs.

Experts in HVAC Installation and Repair Are Here to Help You with All Your Air Conditioning Needs.

Modern, modern air conditioners provide the best options for energy conservation. Upgrade to a brand-new, high-efficiency, cutting-edge air conditioner is now easier than ever with our AdvantageTM Program.

Getting a new cooling system no longer requires any worry thanks to this solution. For one little monthly cost, you can get a brand new air conditioner. No money is needed as a deposit. You won't have to worry about repair costs, routine maintenance, or even air filters as long as you're a member of our Advantage Program. You may enjoy stress-free comfort for just one small monthly fee, and everything is included.

Our experts are here to help you calculate how much money you could save by replacing your air conditioner.


  1. This is very helpful. I'm glad I read this article before buying a new HVAC. I was planning to get a large system so it could help the room cool faster but I had no idea it can cause short cycling. I'll make sure to find a good Bella Vista ac service provider so they can assist me with replacing my HVAC.

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